30 Mar 2015

Russian designer - Valentin Yudashkin

Following my last post, today I am writing about my special experience of international women's day this year. If you live in Russia, probably you can recognize this person, the Russian famous designer Valentin Yudashkin. On 8 March every year, he presents the fashion and music show at the state Kremlin palace. He is a well-known designer not only in Russia, his collections have been demonstrated and stored in many countries. Though he is the top designer,  his looking is very friendly like a TV star.

少し前のことになりますが、前回のテーマ「国際婦人デー」の日にとても貴重な体験をしました。ロシア在住の方であればきっと見覚えがあるでしょう、この男性。ロシア屈指のデザイナー、Valentin Yudashkin氏。国際婦人デーには、恒例のYudashkin プレゼンツ「ファッションショー+歌謡ショー」がクレムリン内の劇場で行われました。国内はもとより、香港、アメリカ、ヨーロッパにもブティックを構えて世界的に活躍しています。トップデザイナーでありながら、親しみやすい風貌でお茶の間タレントのような雰囲気です。

Russian top designer , Valentine Yudashkin

I was waiting for the show time and enjoyed to see a lot of fashion-consicious women looking into a mirror to check how they look.  I also noticed that some celebrities such as fashion designers seated in the front side of the hall.  Then, the show had began, attractive models in lemon yellow costumes appeared walking on the stage.

Fashion-conscious women gathered in Kremlin

Designer Yudashkin appeared with beautiful models

The first part was the music show by Russian popular singers consists of the big stars of show business and the young pop stars. My husband was sitting next to me, and looked very excited, because he recognized most of music stars thanks for devoting his time to watching local TV shows.

Russian pop star, Philip Kirkorov
Russian singer,  Nyusha

Joseph Kobson, a great singer since USSR

Popular tenor singer, Nikolay Baskov

Russian pop singer, Boris Moiseev

This music show was presented by the designer Yudashkin, thus another feature is the artists' costumes. I was impressed with the beautiful delicate dresses which are carefully designed for each artists to bring out their charm. The best one in our impression was Ksenia Dejneva who is a young talented singer with an operatic background like Sara Brightman. She wore a light blue chiffon dress, it brought her more elegant and polished image.
さてこの歌謡ショー、Yudashkinプレゼンツですので、アーティストの衣装にも注目です。とりわけ女性アーティストが着用していたドレスは繊細で美しく、かつ本人の魅力を引き出すような創意に満ちていたように思います。とりわけ私たち夫婦を魅了したのは、ロシアのサラ・ブライトマン(?)、Ksenia Dejnevaさんです。淡いペールブルーのシフォンドレスが、彼女をいっそう上品で清楚なイメージに仕立てていました。

One of the latest successful singer, Ksenia Dejneva
All dresses are designed by Yudashkin

The second part was Yudashkin's spring summer 2015collection, the theme was "The white night in St.Petersburg". The stage was set in deep blue, reflecting the image of sea, and the models dressed in white were coming and gently lighting a runway.  I thought that the collection successfully depicted the beautiful moment of Russian summer, I even felt the air in north Russia.

第2部はYudashkin の春夏コレクション、テーマは「サンクトペテルブルクの白夜」です。海をイメージさせる深い青のステージに、白々とした輝きをみせながら行来するモデル達。その空気感は、ロシアのような北方でしか味わえないそれそのものであり、はかなくも美しい夏を見事に表現していると感じました。

Valentin Yudashkin, Spring/Summer collection 2015, "White night "



If you want to understand Yudashkin world more, you may visit his showroom/shop in Moscow. Last year, I had a great oppotunity to visit his VIP salon in city centre. That manshon has a rich history and the staff told us that he sometimes felt invisible guests beside him. The salon was beautifully decorated and displayed with his all works, such as haute-couture dresses, handbags,  home interior items and so on.  It was filled with the passion of Valentin Yudashkin, who has been devoting his life to creating fashion designs from Russia since he was amazed by Paris fashion in Soviet era. On 8 March every year, Yudashkin himself would be very happy to see today's stylish Russian ladies.


Yudashkin's VIP salon

Yudashkin is popular among women in any generation
For your information:

Москва Кутузовский проспект, 19 +7 495 7851052

VIP Boutique HAUTE COUTURE, Wedding salon, Interior salon
Москва, Вознесенский переулок, 6


13 Mar 2015

Flowers for all women

Hello everyone. Spring seems to arrive, we have a coulple of sunny days a week. I experienced the fourth winter and now I really get to know the feeling of Russian people. They've been always waiting for this new season. In February they already have a spring festival ,called Maaslenitsa even on the snowy ground , and in March Russia has another spring welcome event "International women's day" on 8 March.

Around that day, posters designed for "8 Mapta (8 March)" are seen everywhere in the town.  International women's day - it was originally proposed by the German socialist to promote women's rights and gradually spreaded out around the world, and it even caused a Russian historical incident.  On 8 March( in Julius calender) in 1919,  February Revotution started from the female worker's strikes for better food, it became huge demonstrations and finally led to the end of Russian empire. Today, 8March is the national holiday without any political meanings, simply honouring all womens with flowers and small gifts. Before the day, I saw many women held flower bouquets and presents which brightned up the dim subway station.

この頃になると、街のいたるところに「8 Mapta(3月8日)」と書かれた華やかなポスターが見られます。国際婦人デーは1910年、ドイツ人社会主義者によって女性の権利と世界平和をめざす「国際婦人デー」が提唱され、世界的に広がりました。ロシアでは1919年の旧暦3月8日に、女性労働者のデモがきっかけで2月革命が起こり、帝政崩壊にもつながりました。その後3月8日は祝日となり、本来の政治的意味合いから転じて、女性を敬い労わる日となったそうです。慣習として女性には花束やお菓子などが贈られます。婦人デー直前の地下鉄では、花束やプレゼントを抱えた女性たちが、薄暗い構内を明るくしてくれます。

There is no need to say that this event brings the most money to the flower market.  Even temporary flower vendors appears around the subway stations. I visited the most famous flower market located in Kievskaya.  You might imagine that the market looks like the one in Europa....well, frankly speaking it is not that beautiful. The street was packed with pedlers who wore black jackets. They are supposed to be from somewhere in central asia, and the atmosphere made me nervous.

このイベント、言うまでもなくロシア花市場最大の稼ぎ時!地下鉄周辺にも花売りおばさん達が出現します。私はモスクワ市内で古くから花市場として栄えるキエフスカヤを訪れてみました。花市場、英訳すればもちろんFlower Market・・・その響きから想像するような一面のお花畑やこじゃれた街並みは・・・そこにはありません。南方から出てきたような黒づくめの商人たちがひしめく、スリリングな界隈。花束も路上に無造作に並べられています。
A vendor sells mimosa on a stolen shopping cart

The flower market in Kievskaya

Let's take a look at the market. The most popular flower for International women's day is mimosa, which is the symbol of this event. Then I saw wide variety of tulips. These flowers are usually imported from Holland, China or even from Ecuador, so that the price is not so cheap, for example a small bunch of mimosa costs 5 USdollars.


Let's see the design of flower bouquet and arrangement.  So many large-scale arrangements are displayed on the floor(about 1500USD), their composition is simple, consisted of limited kinds of flowers. Some designs look too much garlish like a big heart shape with red roses. Another interesting thing is the huge toybears hanging from the ceiling.  I wonder if the men gives flowers to the ladies with this big toy??
ブーケやアレンジメントのデザインはどうでしょうか?所せましと置かれている、大型アレンジメント。(一つ 約1万5千円)花の種類が限られているため、構成はいたってシンプル。赤白のバラで形作られたハート型アレンジメントなど、日本人ならちょっと赤面してしまいそうです。また花屋でよく見かけるのは、吊り下げられた巨大なぬいぐるみ。花と一緒にプレゼントするのでしょうか?これも頂いたらちょっとリアクションに困るような代物ですね。

Flower arrangement in Russia


Huge toybears are often seen in a flower shop
Honestly I can't say good enough things about flower arrangings, but I found that the greeting cards more interesting.  In Russia, Women's day has been the important event and left excellent graphic design for "8 Mapta", which are often traded at the flea market today. I am fascinated by old post cards with delicate drawings in pale colors.  Still now kiosk sells a kind of retro-designed cards which remain Soviet nostalgy.

Old postcards of Soviet era

Reprinted edition of Soviet postcards designed by Vladimir Zarubin.

Retro-style message cards that I found at Kiosk

Personally I am very happy to have International women's day, because all women are equally celebrated no matter what they do.  On 8 March, whoever I met said  "С праздником  8 марта! (Congratulations on 8 March)" with lovely smiles. I wish we could have women's day in Japan, too.
それにしても「娘」や「母」や「祖母」といったカテゴライズなしに、女性であればだれでもお祝いしてもらえる日は気分がいい。この日だけはタクシー運転手、店員さん、みんなが笑顔でС праздником  8 марта! 3月8日おめでとう」と声をかけてくれます。日本にもそんな日があればいいのになぁ。