27 Jul 2013

GUM's adverts and window display in Soviet time

I continue the same subject, about the photo exhibit dedicated to GUM's 120th anniversary.
It consists of 4parts; 1) The beginning of 20C  2)Post Stalin 1950-1960s 3)Post Perestroika 2000~  4)Christian Dior show at the Red squre in 1959.  Among hundreds of photos, I select some as my highlights.

構成としては、1)創立当初:1900年前後の写真 2)スターリン死後:1950年~1960年 3)ソ連崩壊後:2000年~ +4)1959年 Christian Dior ファッションショー@赤の広場 となっています。

GUM Adverts by V.Mayakovsky&A.Rodchenko in 1920s
Of course they are representitives of Russian avand-garde artists. 
Once we see their works, never forget their unsual layout and color sense.  These posters were more than store's adverts, they were a kind of propaganda as well.  One poster says, "В  Гуме  Все  (Everything is in GUM)" which seems to be a strong slogan with national pride.
V.マヤコフスキー & A.ロトチェンコによるグム百貨店広告(1920年代)
ロシア アヴァンギャルドを代表する二人の共作が数点、展示されています。
「В  Гуме  Все  グムにはすべてがある!」という国の威信をかけた、強いメッセージが伝わってきます。
GUM posters by V.Mayakovsky & A. Rodochenko

Window Display in Soviet time in 1950-1960s
It was the time after Stalin died and GUM was restored and got back its beautiful appearance.
These window dislays are very artistic....like a stage of theatres.   I can imagine that people was dreaming with these delicate and romantic decorations.

GUM winow displays in 1950-60s.

It was also the time of economical growing.  The following photos show us the people fascionated by modern products.
Brand new products and customers in1950-60s.

Chiristian Dior on the Red squre in 1959
Last month, I was surprised that the fashion show was held near the red squre. In fact,  it already happened in Soviet era. Dior was the first foreign fashion brand which took a place the collection show on the red squre.
In the pictures, I love the contrast between the hard image of Soviet and the soft image of Dior models.
(Besides, Dior held its new collectoin at GUM on 9 July,2013. see the awesome performance http://www.dior.com/magazine/en_gb/News/Miroir-miroir )
Christian Dior と赤の広場 (1959年)
男性的なイメージの赤の広場を、颯爽と歩くモデルの素敵なこと!! 意外性があって面白い写真たちです。

Christian Dior Collections in 1959

Now, let's see how today's GUM is??
The biggest promotion is "Bicycle".  Oh, yes, this year the rental bike system started in the city, the consumer trend should be a kind of ecology?  But the next raw is occupied with the brand new Audi cars!!
Well..."В  Гуме  Все  (Everything is in GUM)".   That's very true.

今も昔も「В  Гуме  Все  グムにはすべてがある!」 なっとくです。

Today's GUM.  Bicycle boom and Luxurious car promotion.


23 Jul 2013

120th Anniversary of GUM department store

In Moscow, the top tourists destination is "The Red Squre". If you stand there, you can see the beautiful building complex on the opposite side to Kremlin.
This is "GUM", the state department store. At night it sparkles with countless lights on the facade, and this over weekend it gave us another surprise.  A huge flower carpet appeared in front of the building. It was such a breathtaking view!!
The flower carpet appears in front of GUM  グム百貨店とフラワーカーペット

This flower carpet is one of celebration events for GUM's 120th annniversary.
On 2nd Dec 1893, this building grand opened as the Upper Trading Raws.  Originally this site was used for the Upper Trading Raws since 16C, however it was enormously damaged by the fire of 1812, and in 1889 as the city project, reconstruction started to become the largest shopping arcade in Europa with the advanced technical equipment.
The archtect is A. Pomerantsev. This style is thought to be Russian revival architecture. The structure and the function were done by modern technology, though decoration copied the traditions of Russian popular architecture.

120年前の1893年12月2日、この豪華な建物が「上段商店街」としてグランドオープンしました。そもそもこの地では、商店街が16世紀から続いていたのですが、1812年の火災で大きな被害を受けました。その後、当時最新の技術でヨーロッパ一の屋根付モールにリニューアルされたのです。建築家は A. Pomerantsev 氏。建物の様式は「ネオ・ロシア」と呼ばれています。構造や機能は当時最新のテクノロジーを駆使したものでありながら、装飾のディテールにロシアの民族的な要素が表現されているのが特徴です。

In the honor of GUM's 120th annniversary, the historical photo exhibision is held in the aisle on 1st or 2nd floor. It was so interesting that I spent a long time instead of shopping.

At first, you can see pictures taken in the beginning of 20C, when the building was just constructed.

GUM in 1909-1910 

Also you can see GUM's tough time during Soviet era.  It was nationalized and even lost the function of trade, because the building was used for one of the Soviet institutes.  In Stalin era was worse, the shopping mall was almost demolished to enlarge the Red squre...but fortunately it survived.

GUM and soldiers in 1936

After Stalin passed away, GUM was reconstructed and reopened as the largest department store in 1953.
In this exhibision, most of photos were taken in 1950s-1960s.  Here you can see photos of today and the old day. Compare them, it should be interesting.
GUM in 1950s and Today
GUM in 1950s and Today

GUM in 1950s and Today (around the fountain)

For me, the most interesting thing is that we can see Russian fashion, posters and displays at that time.
It is rare photo collection and some design look even better than now.  I'll show you more next time!

For your information:
GUM http://www.gum.ru/en/


18 Jul 2013

The former Royal Palace opens the door

Now Moscow is the best time for tourists. My Japanese family also stayed here for a couple of weeks.
For their accomodation, I reserved a room in a very special hotel, Petroff Palace.
彼らの宿泊のために、近くでとっておきのホテルを選びました・・・・「Petroff Palace」です。
The Petroff palace
This building has been one mystery of my area. It looks like a castle. I often pass by this building, but I've never seen anyone entered from the main gate. I thought that it must be a government official place and ordinary people are not allowed to come inside. Last month, I got a chance to join the excurtion of this palace and knew that it actually opens the door to anyone, because it is a HOTEL now!!  It is run by Renaissance Hotel group and ranked 4 stars.

The palace was originally built in 1796 for CatherineⅡ
This palace was originally built in 1796 for Empress Catherine the Great (Catherine II), which was used as a resting place for travelling noblemen on their journeys from Saint Petersburg to Moscow. Russian architect Matvey Kazakov designed this building in the mixed style of  Romantic Neo-Gothic and traditional Russian. Window design is a remarkable example of  eclecticism. This unique apperance remind me Tsartino palace which is partialy buit by the same architect Matvey Kazakov.
この宮殿はもともと1796年にエカテリーナ2世のために建てられたものだそうです。サンクトペテルブルクからモスクワまでの道中、貴族が休憩する場所として使われていました。ロシア人建築家、Matvey Kazakov氏が設計したもので、ロマンティック・ネオゴシック様式と伝統的なロシア様式が混ざったスタイルといわれています。とりわけ窓周辺のデザインは折衷スタイルのわかりやすい例といえるでしょう。この少し変わった外観はモスクワ郊外のツァリツィーノ宮殿と似ています。というのも、同じ建築家が仕事をしているからです。

Now inside of the building is completely renewed for the luxury hotel. For me, interior design was out of expectation. Its  taste is different from classic outlooking, more like a Spanish summer house??? I found it a bit mismatch. Anyway, it's very new and comfortable.
Interior of the hotel

The great advantage to stay here is that you can feel relaxed with fresh air and greenary garden.
In Moscow, most of nice hotels are located in the centre, it should be convinent, but you must stay at a tiny room with little windows.  Compared to them, Petroff palace has spacious rooms for limited numbers of guests.  You may feel like staying at your own resthouse. Indeed, my family was really pleased to have a relax time there.
モスクワでランクの高いホテルはほとんどセンターに位置しています。もちろん便利ですが、部屋は狭いし窓も小さいです。それに比べてPetroff palaceは、宿泊客の数も限られ広々とした客室で過ごすことができます。まるで自分自身の別荘に居るような雰囲気。私の家族もゆっくりと滞在できて大喜びでした。

There are nice restrant and fitness in the basement

While their stay, one Russian couple held wedding party in the hotel which was a wonderful surprise to my family.  The garden was beautifully decorated and some entertainers were cheerfully walking around. It must be a great memory to have a private party such a lovely place. I recommend this hotel to those who want the Palace stay to get out of busy life.
Preparation for the wedding party

For your information:
Petroff Palace 

16 Jul 2013

Russian Packaging Exhibition -part2

Hi, there. I've been busy as the private guide for my family from Japan. It was a nice opportunity to see Russia with fresh eyes. I'll tell you what I found, but this time I continue to write about Russian Packages.
 The beginning of 20centuty was the time for world wars and revolutions.  It reflects on packages as well. Even sweets  packages were designed by such realistic images like this.

Russian packages in the beginning of 20C.  20世紀初頭、戦争をテーマにした包装

Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks established the Soviet state in 1917 and became the world first communist country.  In Soviet era, package design was like propaganda,  "red" color with Soviet symbols such as hummer, sickles and stars.

Red packages in Soviet era. ソビエト時代の「赤」なパッケージ
On the other hand, in 1920s the masterpieces of Russian constructivism art were created. Especially some posters collaborated by Vladimir Mayakovsky(text) and Alaksandr Rodchenko(image) are so famous as Avant-garde design. Unfortunately constructivism art was rejected by the Stalinist government(1924-1953) and eventually was disappeared.
Constructivism design by Mayakovsky&Rodchenko

Personally I like the design in the middle of 20century(1950-1970).  Through my eyes, it looks well mixed Russian forkloric art and constructivism. The whole impression is modern and still attractive beyond the time. I wish Russian sweets company would make revival packages, should be smush hit!!

Russian packages in the middle of 20C.  20世紀半ばのロシアのパッケージ。今でも色あせない素敵なデザイン。

Through this exhibition, the most impressive one was this pretty bag which designed for souveniors in 1957.
 I can't believe that it was created more than a half century ago.  It looks modern, but the graphic design is thought to be inspired by Russian folk art. 

The bag for souveniors made in 1957. 
 Last two centuries, Russia has changed dramatically and packaging design was always adjusted to each era. Then, how is like today's Russia?  Maybe the time to open the door to outside. Now the most of products and packages are import, hardly see Russian ones. It's pity, but I am sure the time will repeat. The forthcoming era will bring original design more.

 For your information:
Exhibision, "Packaging design made in Russia"


4 Jul 2013

Russian packaging exhibition - part 1

Recently one of the most impressive exhibition is "Packaging Design Made in Russia" held by Moscow Design Museum.  It started from April and original site was Manazinaya squre.  Now the exhibision was moved in  “Rabochiy i Kolhozniza(Worker and Kolkhoz Woman) Exhibition Hall, which is the building underneath the giant soviet statue.  This hall is unexpectedly new....seems like just after interior renovation.

 さいきんの展覧会の中で、一番のお気に入りは「Packaging Design Made in Russia」です。

"Worker and Kholhoz woman " Exhibition centre

In the hall, I found the milk pack shaped sign. It friendly welcame me. 
The display counter was also designed in milk pack....cool!


The exhibition shows us the history of Russian packaging design and materials from the late of 19c to now. Along the timeline, we can also learn Russian social movements.  In this country, the art is always strongly connected with social and political issues.
At the beginning, I saw fancy and noble packages made in the end of 19C.  It was the late time of Romanov, the emperor extremely enforced autocracy and drived to develop national industry and economy.
This social development led to a large increase in the size of the urban bourgioisie and working class.
These beautiful packages are supposed to be luxury gift items among those bourgeoisies. Especially, tin cans of carameles decorated with delicate romantic design.


Beautiful tin cans of carameles in late 19C.  19世紀末のキャラメル缶

Russian packages of sweets in late 19C.  19世紀末のロシアの菓子ラベル

In the beginning of 20C, the working class was so frustrated with abysmal living and working conditions that they frequently striked and made radical parties against Imperial Russia and wealthy bourgioisies.  Some of packages shows this situation by cynical illustrations. For example, the caramel package below is the cartoon that Proletarians push out   bourgeoisies.


Russian packages of carameles in the beginning of 20C. Proletarians push out bourgeoisies.

To be continued......what will happen after Russian revolution??


1 Jul 2013

Red carpet by Red squre

Nowadays the Red squre is used for not only political events.
This over weekend,  I happened to see the red carpet and the show stage near the red squre.

It seemed that the fashion magazine, "Glamour" held the fashion show at the open space between the red squre and the shopping mall "gallery Moscow".  My husband and I arrived there a bit before opening the show. Moscow fashionistas have already taken seats by the red carpet and got some free drinks, this scenery just reminded me of "Sex and The City".
どうやらファッション雑誌「Glamour」が主催するファッションショーのようで、赤の広場とショッピングモール「ギャレリア」の間で行われていました。私と主人が到着したのは、ショーが始まる数分前。モスクワのファッショニスタ達はすでにレッドカーペット前の席に座り、涼しげにフリードリンクを飲んでいます。なんだか「Sex and The City」みたいなシーン。

Red carpet and the guests  レッドカーペットを前にくつろぐゲスト達

Then, the show has started.  My husband was so excited to see the best of Russian beauty!
Oh-oh...something different.  They were beautiful...but not like professional models.
They were just walking on runway without catwalk.  Indeed, those models were just ordinary ladies and showed up themselves  in front of some fashion specialists.

Ordinary ladies were walking on runway  ふつうのモスクワっ子がランウェイを颯爽と・・・

It is said that Russian lady's fashion sense is unique. They always look extremely feminine.  For example, even in the playground they wear a micro mini-skirt and high heel pumps, also they make up faces in such a perfect way.
Why do they look so feminine??  Because  the most important thing is to appeal "I am the most beautiful lady" to the others.  Thanks to beautiful Russian mommies, I never forget to make up when I play outside with my kids.

I just think.....who could imagine the fashion show held by Red squre in Soviet era?  Just ordinary ladies wear such nice clothes and appeal themselves to the public. Today Moscow ladies are so bright and walking their runway with free souls.
ふつうの女の子達が、すてきな洋服を着てみんなにアピールするなんて。 今日のモスクワ女子たちは、すごく輝かしくて自分自身のランウェイを自由な魂で歩いています。